Demo Chapters

Chapters help you to provide context, capture leads, gate content, and encourage viewers to take action throughout your Supademo. You can add chapter steps anywhere in the demo.

Overlays and CTAs are now called Supademo Chapters. Along with the new name, Chapters can be used to capture leads, password-protect demos, or add conditional branching. They can also be personalized using dynamic variables.

You can add multiple Chapters within a Supademo and choose to link the CTA button to an external link or to any step within the same Supademo. In addition, you'll be able to select either a dark or light theme that aligns with your brand.

Add Initial Overlay Chapter

To add an initial demo overlay, simply click on "Add Chapter" on the first step. Alternatively, you can create a chapter and drag it to the top position of your demo.

Add Middle Chapter

To add an initial overlay chapter, simply click the "+" button before or after the slide you'd like it to appear. Alternatively, you can create a chapter and drag it to the relevant middle position within your demo.

Add End Call-to-Action Chapter

You can add a chapter to serve as a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your demo. Simply click on "Add CTA" at the end of the demo. Alternatively, navigate to the edit view of a Supademo and click "CTA" from the Customization tab.

How to customize a Chapter

You can customize your chapter by adding a title, description, and CTA button(s) to it. CTA buttons can be internal links (i.e. navigates users to step 6 in the demo), external links (i.e. calendar booking page), an email lead capture, or a password-protected form.

You can also add an animation to your Chapter's button to drive more engagement and clicks. Finally, you can also dynamically personalize a chapter for different types of viewers by utilizing dynamic variables.

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