Billing FAQs

How does Supademo calculate the price?

The pricing for Pro, Scale, and Enterprise plans varies based on the number of Creators. Viewer accounts are free, while Creator and Admin accounts require payment. When Team Admins invite new members to their Workspace, they can choose whether to give them Creator or Viewer access. Workspace Admins can always check the current total cost on their Billing page.

If your Pro, Scale, or Enterprise plan is downgraded to Supademo's Free plan after finishing a 14-day trial, you will not be charged. The Free plan allows you to create up to 5 demos without access to the Pro features.

Payment options

With Supademo, you can choose to pay monthly or annually. We accept credit card payments, but may accommodate ACH or Wire payments depending on the request. Please get in touch with, who can answer questions and determine eligibility. If you're an Admin, you can manage your billing history, payment methods, and account level in the Workspace Settings. Learn more about our payment options and billing policies here.

What are the key differences between the Pro, Scale, and Enterprise plans?

Please refer to our pricing page for a comprehensive list of plan differences.

Is it possible to upgrade or downgrade to a different plan while on a trial or an active subscription?

If you're considering upgrading or downgrading from an Enterprise plan, please reach out to our sales team for assistance. Alternatively, if you'd like to downgrade from Scale or Pro to Free, you can easily make this change yourself in your Workspace Settings.

What happens at the end of my Scale/Pro free trial?

If you choose not to start a subscription to Scale/Pro, you will lose access to all Scale/Pro features after your 14-day trial ends. Your account will be automatically downgraded to Supademo's Free plan.

Will my demos be deleted after downgrading?

In short - no. But if you downgrade from a Pro, Scale or Enterprise plan, only five demos may be publicly viewable. Your demos will be watermarked and may lose premium capabilities like demo branching, zoom and pan, and more.

How do I move from a free trial to a paid Scale/Pro plan?

You can enter payment information at any point during your trial on your settings page. You won't be charged until your trial is over. Scale/Pro plans have a 14-day trial, whereas Enterprise trials can be arranged on a case-by-case basis with our sales team.

How can I change the number of Creators on my team?

As a Workspace admin, you can easily check the number of Creators (billable users) on your account by accessing the Billing page in your Workspace settings. To manage your team, you can upgrade or downgrade their roles from Viewer to Creator and vice versa on the Members page. If you add new Creators during the billing cycle, we will calculate the prorated cost and charge you in the next month's billing cycle.

How do I move from a Viewer to a Creator?

You'll need to request your account Admin to upgrade your role from a Viewer to a Creator, Or you can also request Creator access from your Settings page for the Admin to approve the request.

Can I downgrade from a Creator to a Viewer?

Your account Admin can downgrade you from a Creator to a Viewer in your team's Workspace settings. Since the Viewer role is Free, note that Creators downgraded in a workspace will get the prorated credits added to their next billing cycle.

Do I get a refund if I deactivate members from my Workspace?

No, if a paid workspace member is deactivated, the seat will be prorated, and credits will be provided in the next billing cycle.

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