HubSpot Integration

With the HubSpot Integration, you can automatically collect and sync viewer and engagement data onto HubSpot, helping you collect, identify and take action on your most engaged leads.

Here's a quick summary of how to sync data between Supademo and HubSpot

  1. Set up the HubSpot integration by heading to the integrations page on Supademo dashboard.
  2. Set up viewer tracking by using the email lead capture feature within Chapters.
    1. Alternatively, track viewers by adding your recipient's email to a trackable share link. You can do this by appending ?v_email={{email} to the end of your share URL, where {{email}} is your intended viewer's email.
  3. When the viewer adds their email using the lead form or interacts with a Supademo containing an email variable, their data is sent to HubSpot.
    1. If the lead/account with this email already exists, an activity is logged in their HubSpot profile. If the lead doesn't exist, one is created by Supademo with their activity log added.
  4. A detailed summary of the viewer's engagement, completion and sessions can be found on Supademo and is linked within their HubSpot lead profile.

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