Custom Native Forms

Native Forms allow you to create personalized forms within your Chapters, with data saved natively within your Supademo analytics or synced with your CRM (like HubSpot or Salesforce).

Creating customized forms is simple and takes just a few minutes:

  1. Add a Chapter anywhere within your Supademo and choose the new "Form" option.
  2. Add up to 7 form fields and determine which fields are required or optional.
  3. Determine whether the entire form should be required/optional, and limit to business email addresses only.
  4. Click save when done to go live with your form!

After going live with your Native Form, individual responses will be sent to you via email. They will also be saved under the Lead Data tab of your Supademo Analytics.

If you've set up a CRM integration to HubSpot or Salesforce, form responses will be automatically synced with your CRM with AI.

For instance, whether you've named a field "Company", "Corporation", or "Business Name", Supademo will auto-detect and sync it to the appropriate field in your CRM without the need for manual mapping. 
Form data synced to internal analytics Form data sent via email notification

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