Collections and Showcases

Supademo Showcase allows you to group together multiple Supademos into a single, shareable URL or embed. This allows viewers to step through complex or lengthy tutorials, features, or instructions in a self-paced, modular way - encouraging completion rates and learning by doing.

Some use cases for multi-demo showcases include:

  1. A product tour within a marketing website;
  2. Modular onboarding guides;
  3. Training tutorials for internal tools;
  4. Trade show booths;
  5. Post-demo sales collateral;

Video or GIF exports are not supported for Supademo Showcases.

Here's a guide on how to create and share a multi-demo showcase

1. Click on "Create showcase"

1 Upload

2. Click on "Edit" to give the showcase a title

2 Click on

3. Add your SEO details and click on "Save"

3 Click on

4. Click here the section name to edit the placeholder

4 Click here

5. Next, let's click on "Add demo" to choose Supademos that fall under this section

5 Click on

6. Click on "Add" to choose the ones you want to add

6 Click on

7. Great. Now let's click on "Add Section" to add the next module

7 Click on

8. Let's call the next one "Editing a Supademo"

8 Click here

9. And add our next batch of Supademos...

9 Click on

10. When you're all done, click on "Share"

10 Click on

11. Click on "Copy link" to share your Showcase as a link

11 Click on

12. Or embed it anywhere on the web by clicking on "Copy embed code"

12 Click on

13. For instance, let's try adding it to our Ghost blog

13 Click here

14. Here's how it looks as an embed...

14 Upload

15. And here's how it looks when it's shared as a link!

15 Upload

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